Alset iHome Inc ("AiH") is the real estate development arm of Alset International Limited ("Group") which is listed on Singapore Stock Exchange Catalist Board (Stock code: 40V). [Website:]
AiH leverages on the Group's established eco-system to provide a suite of services consisting of home building, home sale, home mortgage insurance, property management and home investment. In addition, through the collaboration with our joint venture partner, ART, a renowned Spanish Architecture firm, AiH provides quality designer homes that is smart, healthy and green.
12 / 01 / 2015Formation of a subsidiary and new property development project in the United States of America
12 / 01 / 2015Press Release
15 / 12 / 2014Update on the United States property projects
15 / 12 / 2014Press Release
04 / 09 / 2014Clarification of articles published on the website and print edition Strait Times
02 / 09 / 2014Update on the United States Land Investment
Media release content will be here.